Any adult observing young children playing within the context of a playground, creche, or nursery will agree that without developing their social skills, young children are likely to grow into adults believing that what they want, and need is a priority above all else.

In fact, I am sure we all can think of one adult who still carries these infantile traits into the workplace! This does make life rather hard for the individual and those who work around them.

When I wrote ‘Bettina and Beatrix go to the Park’ this short story was a little more than two cute fluffy dogs out having fun. As a previous subject specialist teacher working with age ranges from 5-18, I was deeply intrigued by what motivates some children to share, and others to be completely content with taking whatever they desire.

I hope any parent kind enough to read my book to their child or their child reading it to themselves, will take away the underlying theme about how things result for others when we think about ourselves.

Perhaps a thought we should also consider into adulthood…

Thank you for reading. LC

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